Five MBDA Employee Finalists at the Inaugural LGBTQ+ Defence Awards in October

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Tuesday 26 September 2023

In May, we invited nominations for the inaugural LGBTQ+ Defence Awards taking place in London this October. MBDA UK are sponsoring this event and we are very proud to announce that five of our colleagues have been shortlisted across four categories.


The LGBTQ+ Defence Awards

The LGBTQ+ Defence Awards sets out to establish a positive, inspiring platform to showcase LGBTQ+ contributions to defence. The event is in partnership with BAE Systems and charity partner Fighting with Pride, and winners are decided by an independent judging panel of leaders from organisations including the Ministry of Defence, the British Army, RAF and the Royal Navy.

Finalists are invited to the awards ceremony on 17 October in the Grand Hall of the Grand Connaught in London’s Covent Garden, which will be hosted by BBC news anchor Jane Hill, the UK’s first out lesbian newsreader.


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Marcus – Advocate of the Year

Marcus has been nominated for his work as the Gender Identity Diversity Lead for the Pride@MBDA Network, actively championing awareness and inclusivity at outreach events and employee engagement activities, and providing signposting for employees about any aspect of gender identity inclusivity. Marcus has also begun to forge closer ties with other networks to identify intersectional points of discussion and learning.


Giles – Advocate of the Year

Giles has been nominated for his unilateral engagement with MBDA UK’s employee networks and setting up the System Analysis ED&I Working Group. Giles has been a tireless ally to the LGBTQ+ community and a powerful advocate for inclusive language, including being an early adopter of pronouns in email signatures. Giles stands out as being both a leader and an ally who advocates LGBTQ+ rights.


Calum – Ally of the Year

Calum has shown unwavering dedication and made outstanding contributions to fostering inclusivity, including planning and hosting an exceptional ED&I event that brought together all of MBDA UK’s employee Networks. Calum ensures that his site represents LGBTQ+ individuals and proudly displays the Progress flag during Pride month every year, and engages in meaningful conversations with colleagues about LGBTQ+ issues.


Alisha – Graduate or Apprentice of the Year

As a member of the community, Alisha is an active supporter of LGBTQ+ equity within the workplaces as well as being an ethnic diversity champion and leader, dismantling barriers to entry for people of colour in the defence industry. Alisha has begun promoting MBDA UK externally via social media as a vessel for new types of outreach within Gen-Z, reaching out to and advising students on best practice for entering the workforce.


Jo - LGBTQ+ Trailblazer of the Year

Jo has been nominated for being a role model for coming out at work, using her own experience as a statement of acceptance. A founding committee member of the Pride@MBDA Network, Jo became Co-Chair within a year of its founding and along with her Co-Chair Ricky, has repositioned the Network as an opportunity and mandate to influence the business.


Congratulations to all of our finalists for their very well deserved nominations, acknowledging the great work they have done to support and inspire members of the LGBTQ+ community both at MBDA UK and beyond.

The best of luck at the awards ceremony on 17 October 2023!


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