Life at MBDA Event Series - Hear from our People

Monday 24 April 2023
Throughout May, we are giving you the opportunity to hear stories from some of our incredible employees about their unique and varied experiences both of joining MBDA and of their time here to-date.
Each of the events detailed below will be taking place online, via the Meet & Engage platform, and you can register for any/all of them today!
How I've Grown at MBDA
1-2PM, Wednesday 10th May 2023
Progression routes at MBDA are abundant and diverse. Hear from a range of MBDA employees about their unique and exciting journeys with us as they've developed their skills and progressed in their roles.
Why I Switched to a Career in Defence
1-2PM, Wednesday 17th May 2023
Ever considered a career in defence? Join some of our incredible employees as they share how and why they made the move to defence, and what they love about life at MBDA.
Opportunities Beyond Engineering
1-2PM, Wednesday 24th May 2023
Defence is not just driven by Engineering & Tech (although these are key components!) In this session you'll hear stories from people across a range of MBDA teams about how their roles impact our purpose. You'll have the chance to learn more about what opportunities we have available, and what we look for when recruiting.
Events, Open Days & More…
Want to hear more, or meet us in person? We have a range of events where you can engage with MBDA employees and recruiters throughout the year.
All our physical and online events can be found on our events page.